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The homelessness crisis has almost always been in existence, but why?

The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty shared some statistics on the matter in a 2018 article. "Each year at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in shelters, transitional housing, and public places not meant for human habitation," the organization states. For some perspective, there are 328.2 million American citizens as of 2019. This means that about 1 out of every 100 people in our county has experienced at least one night of homelessness, and this statistic is based only from documented homelessness, so there are likely many more people impacted. The aforementioned article lists causes of not being able to afford housing to be the foreclosure crisis (regarding renting and home ownership) and poverty/low income.

“Homelessness in America: Overview of Data and Causes.” National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2018.

Causes and Effects of Homelessness: About Us


What impacts does this crisis have on other citizens?

Not only is homelessness tragic for those directly impacted, but the surrounding citizens also feel the effects, for example, through health issues (unsanitary practices and disease transmission) and compromised safety (homeless people in high-value areas, or any area, for that matter, may see no help or hope from their more financially stable neighbors and turn to erratic behaviors to cope). However, as humans, we should, when possible, stand together to help these people even if it were not impacting us.

Causes and Effects of Homelessness: Text
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